The 10 Types of Geocacher

Which type* are you?

1. The FTF Hound

Everyone knows at least one. That person who drops everything when a new cache is published so they can be the one to claim “I found it FIRST, before all you amateurs!!” This person will gladly sell their granny to get their name on the logbook first and have been known to rugby tackle geocachers they might meet on their way to GZ for a newly published cache.


2. The Stats Addict

How many counties have you cached in in a day? What’s the fastest you’ve found 100 caches? How many months in your longest FTF streak? These are just some of the things that the Stats Addict actually care about. The fact you found one cache while on holiday in the South of France and the scenery was amazing means sweet FA to them. They need facts, figures, STATISTICS!! They thrive on the stuff. These people are keeping Project-GC in business.


3. The Mountaineer 

This cacher is not one for numbers and doesn’t care for park & grabs. They want a long walk in the mountains or else, why bother? They have more than likely climbed every mountain in the region, often several times and laugh at a cache being rated T3 when it’s up a slight bank.


4. The Old School Cacher

This person has been around since the dawn of geocaching itself and probably still goes geocaching with a map and compass, without any GPSr and certainly without a smartphone. Similar to the Mountaineer, the Old School Cacher sticks with long walks in the mountains or the countryside and believes that finding urban caches is simply not real geocaching.


5. The Challenge Cacher

This person bases all their caching practices around challenge caches. Their logs will be filled with phrases like ‘I needed this D/T for my Fizzy Grid’, or ‘I needed this month for the Jasmer Challenge.’ They believe there’s no point in aimlessly finding caches, you need to have a set goal. They will have either already finished or be in the middle of completing every challenge available. The day the challenge cache moratorium was announced they sat in a corner rocking back and forth and weeping inconsolably.


6. The Hider

This person likes to hide caches more than find them. The thrill is not in finding the cache but in someone else finding theirs. They live for logs and favourite points. They are likely to have boxes full of new geocaches to hide somewhere in their house. Everyone loves a hider, as they keep the rest of us in business!


7. The Numbers Junkie

It’s all about the numbers for this geocacher. They will gladly get up at 4am to get 200 caches in one day. They run through the milestones like they’re going out of business and will laugh hysterically at the notion of setting foot out of bed for less than 50 caches.


8. The Non-Conformist 

This person was born to break the rules. Maybe they take swag but don’t leave anything. Maybe they don’t write their names in the logbook. Maybe they prefer to take a photo log instead. I hear you say in shock ‘but you have to sign the logbook?!’ Not this person. “It’s only a game”, is their mantra.


9. The Cache & Dasher

Why walk for 14 miles to find a lunchbox when you can just slow down the car, lean out of the window and grab a nano off a crash barrier? Life’s too short for long walks in the countryside, according to this geocacher. The maximum walking distance to the cache will be 200 metres but containers accessible without leaving the sanctuary of their vehicle are best.


10. The Reluctant Participant

Someone who reluctantly accompanies any of the above nine types, and is basically a muggle who opened a geocaching account under duress. Usually seen looking tired and bored in the company of any other type.


This is not an exhaustive list. Don’t see your type here? Let me know your type in the comments!

Happy caching!


© 2016 | Sarah Murphy | All Rights Reserved

*Any similarity to real persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental.

104 thoughts on “The 10 Types of Geocacher

  1. I am many of these, but one category you forgot is “puzzle cacher”. I know a number of people who mostly do puzzles, and others who are known for creating mind-bending puzzle caches.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A good start! I found 2 and 5 to be rather similar though. 7 may be different. Nonetheless, I miss the homezone cacher who just has to find every cache in his hood to be able to sleep at night. Ignore list is not an option. Also, I miss the cherry picker: Doesn’t stop for the 1/1 bycatch traditional but only goes for the 500 FP+ mystery or multi that takes the whole day.

    Obviously, the latter two would be me.

    If you look into psychology and personality traits you will most likely find more types, like the event only socializer or the former cacher and now geocoin hoarder. 😉


  3. # 12, The Nurses

    These geocachers always go hunting carrying varied and diverse maintenance material, prepared to maintain, change or replace any cache if necessary, regardless of who owns them. The log is almost full? They put a new one. The container is broken? They can and change it. Is there moisture or water in the cache? No problem that a couple of tissues (or kitchen paper directly) can not fix! A zip bag is needed? All that may be required!

    The owners usually love them, but most other types of geocachers get sick with them, unable to understand why they have to lost time pampering caches that don’t even belong to them. But they can’t help it. Their mantra is: “If it were my cache, I would be happy if others worry about it and leave it better than they found it.”

    I’m of this type. And I feel very proud of it, although it is always pushing the patience of my fellow hunters that usually tolerate me with resignation.

    Hell, I even have a travel bug called “Maintenance Geobrigade” (TB6NDWY) to keep track of caches that I have stopped to maintain. xD


    1. I am mrspumpkin and I have 375+ hidden. I love it when a nurse drops by. We have one “nurse” with only about 600 cache finds in our area called Skinaglow60, She is always “helping” me keep my maintainance great on my caches. She usually has to dry them out, and used her car defrost on high for about half a minute or so she says. Whats not to love about that!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. TRAVEL BUG TREASURERS. If the cache isn’t big enough to hide a TB, we don’t go near it. Nanos and Micros are a big waste of time, if you’re looking for a place to drop off a travel bug, or pick up a new one.

    Travel Bugs are especially important to geocache WORLD WANDERERS. We look for caches in foreign countries on our vacations, and take pride in moving TBs from point A to point B, especially if it is a different hemisphere.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Doc Dodgers and Mrs are the exact opposite of the number junkie. We cache for the fun of it, for seeing new places that only caching will take us, we try to find a cache wherever we visit, we tend to get sick of finding nanos or micros (not much of a challenge), we sign the log book but forget to log our finds.


  6. I think there’s another type: the blogger. Someone who writes long logs, and who gets hopelessly behind on logging because of it. Someone who likes to write about geocaching as much as doing it. Someone who started a blog to write about caches they found and post pictures they took while caching. That’s my type. I’m slow because I am always writing about it first.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. #16, The Family Fun Cachers

    This type enjoys the leisurely stroll type of caches, and tends to avoid micros and nanos. The children LOVE swag! If it won’t hold “treasure”, it isn’t worth their time! These cachers tend to stick with easier terrain and lower difficulty! Geocaching to this type may be considered as “something fun to do to get everyone out of the house”.

    This is my type 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for the link. We didn’t fit any of the geo types except…
    #11 THE HAPPY TO DISCOVER CACHER! … FTF’s are kinda fun to happen upon from time to time. Some mountains are worth the climb but even better if both a view, a workout, and a cache are a part of the package deal. Stats are fun to occasionally reflect on and say “…huh!, …go figure!, &…that’s kinda cool!” to whether it’s my own, hers, jr’s, or somebody elses. Live and let live… Hiding them is fun. The kind we put out are ment to be found by cachers and also those with grade 3 geography and a camera.
    Sometimes the park & grabs end up more rewarding than the ‘big fav’ types. New parks and roads are fun to checkout. Power trails make your map look pretty.
    Hard to get to types inspire me to consider a mini-quest from time to time. One never needs a cache but they help choose the weekend theme occasionally.
    Caching with super powers, witch craft, gps, iphone, or dead reckoning (or by accident) all work for us!😉😎😋 Old school, new school, no school…who cares!?
    On a nice day it’s nice to get a bunch or just go crazy on numbers for fun. Just getting 1 can be a great thing too.
    One thing we don’t waste much time on is comparing styles, stats, favs, …We just love the discoveries.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. How about the Dog Cacher? A geocacher – like me – with a very active geohound, who likes to pick up caches along the way when out for the eight or ten mile walks?

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I don’t know what the name would be but we usually go in a group of 4 sometimes 6 then the competition is on!! We dive out of the vehicle and the one to find it has bragging rights and talks smack until the next stop. We love it. 😊

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  11. A JOURNEY Cacher – When we go on a long trip, I pick out caches along the route to give us a break from the long ride. They may be 50-100 miles apart and with the GPS set for the next cache, it helps answer the “are we there yet” questions by keeping track of how many miles to the next cache. Our first priority in our choices of where to stop are Earth Caches, so we can learn something interesting about the area we are traveling through.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The procrastinator. This person wants souvenirs and stats from their vacation adventures. They often seek out earth or virtual caches, gathering all the required data but then take weeks or months to actually log them.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Maybe someone mentioned it before in the comments, but my major category is the Explorer/Discoverer. I’ll drive hundreds of kilometres to explore a new town with geocaches, or go to basic caches anywhere just to experience the new path, park, tree or nook and cranny. Guard rails? How interesting — who knew there would be a geocache there!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I just like to get out of the house. I like a wide variety of types of caching. I mainly like exploring new places and getting out of the house. Hikes in the woods are my favorite and I try to avoid high muggles areas.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Enjoy with my sons. It’s a great way to use our minds together as a team while at the same time have fun and spend quality time together.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. The Occasional Cacher
    “I was in the neighbourhood” so I can pick up this cache-cacher.

    Caches close home are a must do! Cause you are in the neighbourhood most of your time. But eh no hurry, the caches won’t run away.
    Going on a visit somewhere else? Let’s check if we can pick up some caches, but don’t worry if you dont find them all
    At work? Let’s check if some are there!
    Any reason you go to an other city or neighbourhood is a reason to check if there are caches in the neighbourhood.
    And of course don’t forget to check the caches you almost drive by on your way to another location.
    If there is a coin? Extra points to choose that one to get.
    A mystery or multi? Please dont make it to hard I dont have much time, but if you have time well why not. It’s a cache and you are in the nieghbourhood right.
    A new cache? FTF? Only if the cache is nearby enough.
    Stars?? All are fun, but the hard ones only if there is enough time.
    But if you have enough time. You do trails, long multi’s, hard mysteries and all. It all depends just on the ooccasion. Nothing is weird, nothing is not done and don’t forget not to hurry. Its all about fun. Real life is all about hurry already so lets just relax on the geocache.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Based on the types of hides in my area I would add

    The tunnel dweller- loves a good filthy tunel, the more cobwebs the better

    The history buff- finds quirky or forgotten places and shares the story

    The brainiac – makes only connect look like child’s play. These puzzlers strive to hide clues in the most obscure pictures.

    The urban guerilla – abandoned hospital- check. Pad lock – check. Razor wire – check. Great place to leave a cache – check.

    The pub walker- loves a nice circular trail with a pub/cafe/ tea room at the beginning middle and end.

    The inventor – loves an unusual or quirky hide. It’s not about hiding loads but being creative with the containers

    Liked by 1 person

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